Teaching Reources >> AoC Fellows

Exploring the University Art Museum
A hands-on, exploratory introduction to a course at UC Berkeley: ARCH 140 Energy and Environmental Management. During section meetings students will visit a nearby building to observe and measure, develop hypotheses, use equipment, and share investigative outcomes about design intentions and building performance with their peers. This innovative exercise was developed by Graduate Student Instructors (GSI) and instructors following the Agents of Change Training Session in November 2000.
(98 kb Word document)

The objectives of this semester-long, mini-case study project at Florida A&M University, are to learn and convey as much information about a specific climate control, fire protection, or sanitation system element as reasonably possible, by selecting an element that is readily accessible for observation (such as west-facing glass, a drinking fountain, relative humidity in an office). Students monitor the "thing" via measurement equipment, interviews, and photographs.

Solar Transit Template
There are many tools available to the architect for examining the apparent motins of the sun. Solar position for a given time and locatin can be determined by equations or graphic sunpath diagrams. These graphic tools are particularly appropriate for architects.  The solar transit is a unique instrument which can be used to determince solar access at a site by modeling the seasonal path of the sun across the site and locating horizon obstructions.  The instructions for constructing your own solar transit were developed at UC Berkeley for ARCH 140 Energy and Environmental Management.
UC Berkeley Solar Transit Template  (665 kb PDF)



Teaching Documents
- Exercises
- Case Study Evaluation
- Others' Contributions
- Passing the Baton

Workshop Documents
- Training Workshop RFP
- FAQs about the RFP
- Team Presentations
   Aug 2005 New Smyrna Beach, FL
Oct 2004 Falmouth, MA
   Jan 2004 Phoenix, AZ
   Aug 2003 Oberlin, OH
Jan 2003 Portland, OR

Admin Documents
- Word Template (229 kb)
- Surveys
   Pre Evaluation (166 kb pdf)
   Post Evaluation (156 kb pdf)
   Return Sheet (58 kb doc)

Team measures air velocity in an art museum