
Pilot Workshop
Milwaukee, WI 2001
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Zeigler, director of engineering and technology for the
Governor's Green Government Council I was absolutely
blown away by the presentation boards that I saw
featuring green building projects and studies and research
projects actually done by the students. These boards were
deeply into some very technical and complex issues-things
like daylighting design, acoustics design, alternative materials,
mold and mildew, and indoor air quality...[T]his was mind
boggling that students were so sharp and so on top of current
state of the art technology and building comfort and health
and air quality issues.
of Change was funded by the U.S. Department of Education Fund
for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE)
2000-2005, to better prepare students as future teachers, architects,
and stewards of the built environment. Over the 5 years (two consecutive
grants) and via 7 training sessions, more than 170 faculty and
teaching assistants from 42 accredited architecture programs (and
13 non-accredited institutions) were trained to investigate actual
buildings, conduct post-occupancy surveys, and develop exercises
to implement at their home institutions.Agents of Change
has generated an ever-increasing library of case studies published
on the Web; 30 case studies have been generated from the workshops
alone. The project also surveyed over 1000 architecture students
to ascertain changes in their attitudes, perceptions, and learning
from the AoC curricular infusion. Agents of Change has
increased the pool of qualified architectural technology and motivated
graduate students to enter the teaching ranks; helping further
the goal to ultimately train future generations of designers to
create buildings that provide for human health and well-being
while using energy responsibly.
thank the Society
of Building Science Educators and the University of Oregon Graduate
Teaching Fellows for their support and extensive experience
in the procedures to lead teams through exercises, protocols,
and the case study approach drawn from the Vital
Signs Project. Thirty- one participating schools have
borrowed Agents of Change Toolkits through our toolkit
loan program to conduct case studies in building near their home
institutions. The program has made over 75 toolkit loans. In addition
to equipment, participants have taken advantage of Teaching
Toolkits containing tool exercises and guidelines for
conducting case studies.
The Agents
of Change project continues to evolve, spawning the Greenteem
project, with the goal of engaging professional designers in the
investigation of existing building performance. In addition, the
Agents of Change toolkit loan program will resume in Fall
of 2006 (pending funding) and this website will remain available
as an archive.