the Loop Benchmarks
for sustainable buildings
Roaf's new book, seeks to provide practical solutions to
the expanding palette of issues, indicators and benchmarks
for sustainable building performance that will equip designers,
developers and occupants with the tools and techniques they
need to deliver better buildings.
RIBA Bookshops www.ribabookshops.com/site/home.asp
Conceived as an approach to Agents of Change training
aimed at a mixed audience of educators, students, and practitioners
(architects and engineers), Tool Days capitalize on the
great fun of hands-on investigative work in architecturally
interesting buildings coupled with the ease-of-use of the
handheld instruments integral to Vital Signs and Agents
of Change.
of Building Science Educators
SBSE is an association of university educators and
practitioners in architecture and related disciplines who
support excellence in teaching environmental science and
building technologies. SBSE's goal of promoting and supporting
quality instruction in building science is realized through
a broad range of practical activities.
The Vital Signs Project aims to incorporate matters of building
physical performance into the education of architects. Vital
Signs seeks to instill in architecture students a fundamental
awareness about the numerous ways in which their design
decisions affect a building's physical performance--from
energy use, to indoor environmental quality, to occupant
Energy Center Tool Lending Library
The Tool Lending Library contains devices from over 100
vendors. It includes hand-held instruments that provide
instantaneous read-outs and simple data logging equipment
for short-term studies. Photographic equipment, lap-top
computers and other helpful monitoring accessories are also
available. The TLL also develops application notes for use
of specific tools and measurement procedures.
Greenclips is an email summary of news on sustainable
building design and related government and business issues
published every two weeks by Chris Hammer and James Richert.
Ms. Hammer is an architectural researcher and environmental
consultant of Sustainable Design Resources and helps planners,
developers, building owners, designers, builders, and facility
managers practice sustainable planning, development, building
design, construction, and operation.
To Subscribe/Unsubsribe:
Address an email to chrishammer@greenclips.com.
In the subject line type subscribe or unsubscribe.
(Post-Occupancy Review of Buildings and their Engineering)
PROBE was a research project which ran from 1995-2002 under
the Partners in Innovation scheme (jointly funded by the
UK Government and The Builder Group, publishers of Building
Services Journal). It was carried out by Energy for Sustainable
Development, William Bordass Associates, Building Use Studies
and Target Energy Services.
U.S. Department of Education Fund for the Improvement of
Postsecondary Education-Comprehensive Program (FIPSE) Comprehensive
Program supports innovative educational improvement projects
that respond to problems of national significance. FIPSE
grants range from $150,000 to $600,000 over a typical three-year