Teaching Resources >> Case Study Evaluations

Vital Signs Resource Packages
A Resource Package is a 40- to 60-page document that addresses a single building performance issue. Each package covers relevant primary physical principles, a description of how the topic affects design decision making, a discussion of applicable standards and practices, an annotated bibliography, and a set of field exercises. Resource packages are in pdf format. Click link (paragraph title) to download.
Vital Signs Resource Packages

Case Study Evaluation Procedures
This document outlines the criteria for evaluating student case studies and a procedure for grading numerous case studies at once (!!)
CSCriteria.doc (34 kb Word document)

Hypothesis Development
Taken from case studies (successful and not so successful), sample hypotheses are listed here. This exercise works well in a small group discussion where students can validate, argue, and re-work hypotheses with each other.
Hypotheses.doc (27 kb Word document)

Peer Review Evaluation
We have found great value in having student teams evaluate other teams’ case studies at a point prior to the final due date. Frequently two teams work on similar topics and encounter similar problems. The objective of the exercise is to give constructive feedback to other groups to help them achieve greater clarity in their research. Through critiquing other students’ work students learn how to look more critically and comprehensively at their own project. What a compelling exercise! This review sheet asks students to do a step-by-step peer review of case studies posted to the web.
Peer Review.doc (23 kb Word document)


Teaching Documents
- Exercises
- Case Study Evaluation
- Others' Contributions
- Passing the Baton

Workshop Documents
- Training Workshop RFP
- FAQs about the RFP
- Team Presentations
   Aug 2005 New Smyrna Beach, FL
Oct 2004 Falmouth, MA
   Jan 2004 Phoenix, AZ
   Aug 2003 Oberlin, OH
Jan 2003 Portland, OR

Admin Documents
- Word Template (229 kb)
- Surveys
   Pre Evaluation (166 kb pdf)
   Post Evaluation (156 kb pdf)
   Return Sheet (58 kb doc)

Team analyzes and prepares data for presentation